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monsoon skincare routine


Monsoon is here, bringing increased humidity and moisture along with it. These seasonal changes can significantly affect your skin, leading to issues like fungal infections, skin rashes, irritation, and a loss of glow. Therefore, it’s essential to revamp your skincare routine and reconsider the products you use. To make this task easier, we’ve compiled some simple yet effective monsoon skincare tips that will help you maintain your skin’s health and radiance. Follow these tips to make your skin monsoon-ready.

1.  Gentle Cleansing for Healthy Skin

During the monsoon, regular cleansers can strip away the natural oils needed to keep your skin healthy. Instead, use a soap-free face cleanser. These cleansers typically contain natural ingredients like orange fruit water, which help remove excess oil, dirt, and grime without disturbing the skin’s natural oil balance.

2. Exfoliation for Deep Cleansing

For deep cleansing, trust the exfoliation process. The rising humidity during monsoons can wreak havoc on your skin, causing oil, sweat, dirt, leftover makeup, and other impurities to clog your pores. This can lead to acne, breakouts, and other skincare problems. Use a mild yet effective face scrub twice or thrice a week to remove toxins and unclog your pores.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to apply alcohol-free toner and moisturizing cream after each face cleansing session.

3. Vitamin C for Skin Health

The benefits of vitamin C for the skin are endless. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps tackle skin infections and improve skin health. To include vitamin C in your rainy-season skincare routine, create a holistic vitamin C regimen. Start with a vitamin C face wash, followed by a vitamin C face serum. Then, apply vitamin C day cream and vitamin C night cream to give your complexion a radiant boost even during the dreariest rainy days.

4. Sun Protection Even in the Rain

SPF is not just for the summer. Rain or shine, you need sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun. UVA and UVB rays can damage your skin even on gloomy days, so finish your monsoon skincare routine with a layer of sunscreen. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and apply it all over your face and other exposed areas. Given the unpredictable rains, opt for a water-resistant sunscreen to handle water exposure.

5. Minimal Makeup for Healthy Skin

In the humid monsoon climate, wearing minimal makeup is a smart choice. Heavy makeup can clog your pores and cause excess sebum production. Instead, swap your full-coverage foundation with a lightweight BB cream to allow your skin to breathe.

Pro Tip: Always remove all makeup, no matter how simple and lightweight, with gentle micellar cleansing water to keep your pores clear and prevent breakouts. Sleeping with makeup on can lead to acne and dull skin.


If your skin has been suffering from the constant downpour, follow these simple monsoon skincare tips to keep it healthy and fresh. Remember to hydrate and nourish your body from the inside to make your skin healthy and radiant on the outside. Use the right skincare products for your skin type, drink enough water, and eat antioxidant-rich foods to enjoy the monsoon without damaging your skin.