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Throughout history, gender roles have been used to dictate what behaviors and pursuits are acceptable and valued by society for men and women. These traditional notions of gender define masculinity as a characteristic of dominance and power. Though men were given power, at the same time they became the main culprits for the miserable conditions of women in patriarchal society. What was missed in this understanding was that men were also not born to be oppressive. Rather, they were socially constructed to be so. The main reason for this was societal norms.

These norms conditioned men to consider themselves superior and women as the inferior gender.

“Men are not the enemy, but the fellow victims. The real enemy is gender bias, gender discrimination, and gender double standards.”

The societal norms that set the rules for patriarchy are not only unfavorable to women but even to men. As a result, men are expected to behave in a particular way and any divergence is highly condemned. If women were assigned to look after the private domain, then men were also restricted to the public domain. According to these norms, none were allowed to switch their respective positions.

Men were put under pressure to earn a living for their families. Even if they were not able to earn handsomely, they couldn’t ask their female partners to work in the public domain and add to their family income. So, ultimately, men were detached from their families. Under severe pressure and stress also, men were never allowed to grieve or cry. They were labeled as being of a stronger gender and were not allowed to show weak expressions.

So, the only way out now is in a more inclusive society. It is essential to explore all of the ways men can express themselves.

We need to move beyond this traditional idea of “macho” masculinity.

Breaking gender roles and expanding ideas of masculinity can start with encouraging men to express emotions openly. By doing so, men are not only providing a powerful example of vulnerability to their peers but are also taking a brave step to challenge the traditional idea of masculinity. Additionally, exploring alternative gender expressions, such as wearing clothes that are non-traditional for men, celebrating different types of body shapes, and pushing for equal division of labor in traditionally male and female roles, can help spread the message that men have the right to express themselves in many different ways.

“Supporting gender equality means supporting everyone, including men, to be the best versions of themselves without the constraints of traditional gender roles.”

By redefining and reclaiming masculinity, men are proving that being a man doesn’t mean simply adhering to traditional gender roles. Men have the right to express their emotions. They should challenge the status quo, and find strength and courage in expressing themselves in a variety of ways. So, let’s break the gender roles and redefine masculinity. By breaking gender boundaries, we’ll even provide more autonomy and a better life to women, as men will not be expected to be the only superiors and the only breadwinners.


Breaking down gender roles is a process, and it won’t happen overnight. But with the right conversations and attitudes, we can continue to create a world where everyone is valued and respected, regardless of their gender. Together, we can create a culture of acceptance and inclusivity that celebrates differences and supports all genders.